Tuesday, 19 April 2016

5 reasons why you should practice PARKOUR!!

Parkour, what’s that???? Well it is a form of sports, invented by David Belle, making use of your locomotives in the most efficient ways… Jump, crawl, roll, flip, and get dirty. If you are up for it, go for it, then go explore it. Parkour Mumbai has been home for many Parkour enthusiasts to come together and explore extreme sports in their own way. a few years back it was home for me and I still cherish all the good old memories.

Picture Courtesy: Rimaan Sen 

Here’s why it’s fun:-

1.  It gets the core muscular built stronger because of the hard-core training involved along with super fun. Sweat! Sweat!

Picture Courtesy: Rimaan Sen 

2. . You will never be late again! Perks of swift and fast body movements; helps you traverse in the most feasible manner!! If popped with a question in the interview to sell yourself, just say, I’m faster than GOKU!!! (Goku is a cartoon character who possess powers of a super SAIYAN) and hell yeah…Climbing a wall is just a piece of cake for you!

     3. Start a group and go for parkour Jams!! You get to know people from various cultures and stratus and get to know their fitness regime and you can exchange lots of ideas to blend into this sport!

     Picture Courtesy: Rimaan Sen 

       4 Not many people know about Parkour in India and you have a chance to make it big. Spread the sport!! Become a trainer!! Take it up as a career, you never know what’s in store for you!

Picture Courtesy: Rimaan Sen 

      5  If you don’t get to use prefixes like Dr, LLB, or whatever don’t feel sad… You will be called as a Traceur or a Traceuse in the community. #Respect!! #swag #in #itself

Picture Courtesy: Rimaan Sen 

I have given a few good enough reasons here to explore the unexplored. I say go for it, sign up for it, there is always more space for pumping up your adrenaline!

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